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Fundraising Website

A site that helped Berkeleyside, an independent journalism website, raise $1,000,000 of funding with its innovated use of a Direct Public Offering.

Client: Berkeleyside



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erkeleyside dpo website on phone

Like all independent news publications, Berkeleyside had to face its funding challenges head-on. Users are generally not fond of paywalls, and there is a limit to how much advertising users are willing to wade through while reading an article. This website was designed to allow Berkeleyside’s readers to apply invest directly in their favorite publication, sharing in any potential profits down the road and ensuring the publication’s viability for the foreseeable future. Users were able to apply via an online form that we developed, as well as sign the required documents with their finger on their phone or tablet, or with a mouse on desktop.

Visit to see it in action.

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the home page


berkeleyside dpo website on desktop


berkeleyside dpo website on mobile